
​​EPS Panels: definition, types, benefits & applications

​​EPS Panels: definition, types, benefits & applications

In the ever-evolving world of construction, staying on-the-cutting-edge is very essential. As new material and techniques emerge, one innovation that has gained significant attention is that of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) panel. These versatile panels have revolutionized the way we think about construction materials. Sandwich EPS panels, an innovative construction material, have gained popularity in various industries due to their versatility and numerous advantages. Comprising a core of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) sandwiched between two outer layers, these panels offer a range of benefits and find applications in diverse sectors. In this article, let us explore what are EPS panels, their benefits, how are they used and, introduce you to various sandwich EPS panels.

What are eps panels?

Expanded Polystyrene panels, also known as EPS panels, are a type of construction material made from expanded polystyrene foam. These panels are engineered by compressing and heating the foam, leading to the formation of rigid, lightweight sheets that show excellent heat transfer resistance and structural rigidity. However, singularly they cannot be used to create walls as they are soft and prone to damage on impact. They are used in combination with other material to create wall panels.

what is a sandwich panel?

Sandwich EPS panels, also known as Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), are composite building material consisting of three layers. The EPS panels forms the central layer also known as ‘core’, which is protected by outer layers of high strength material, known as ‘wythes’ or ‘skin layer’. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) with flat or undulated surface profile in a single piece, is commonly used as core. The core is known for its excellent insulation properties. This core is sandwiched between two facing materials, like oriented strand board (OSB), plywood or any other sheet material creating a rigid and durable structure. The panels are designed to be exceptionally strong, durable, and versatile, making them a popular choice in modern construction material.

Different types of EPS panels:

The EPS core is the heart of the sandwich panel, providing exceptional thermal insulation. It is a lightweight, rigid foam with closed-cell structure, making it an ideal choice for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. EPS panels come in various types to cater to different construction needs. Each type offers unique properties and advantages, making them suitable for specific applications.

The facing materials contribute to the structural integrity of the panel. This material also provide a surface for various finishes, such as paint or cladding. The boards on either side of the core can be found in a selection of options, Aluminium, OSB, plywood, Fiber concrete, Magnesium oxide (MgO), or Reinforced Concrete. The option of material is necessary, as OSB, plywood, and composite structural house siding panels don’t have the same degree of fire efficiency, wetness and mould ingress resistance, as well as resilience as sandwich panels plated with sheet metal or concrete.

Sandwich EPS panels come in various thicknesses, allowing customization based on specific project requirements. The thickness of the panels influences factors like insulation efficiency and load-bearing capacity.

Benefits of eps panels in construction:

1. Excellent Insulation:
One of the primary benefits of Sandwich EPS panels is their superior insulation properties. This quality is especially crucial in the construction industry, where energy cost is a growing concern
2. Energy Efficiency
Buildings are notorious energy guzzlers, with extensive energy wastage arising from the continuous need for heating and cooling. EPS panels provide an answer to reduce rising energy costs and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions in the atmosphere. These panels significantly curb CO 2 emissions during both the building phase and the lifetime use of the structure. According to data from the "PEP – Promotion of European Passive Houses – Energy Saving Potential," EPS panels can achieve up to:
  • 40%* less CO2 emissions during the building phase
  • 65%* less CO2 emissions during the use of the building throughout its lifetime
The exceptional thermal insulation properties of EPS panels can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. The use of these panels results in highly energy-efficient buildings, ensuring savings of up to 80% in energy consumption over the building's lifespan. This not only helps reduce operational costs but also aligns with sustainability goals.
3. Environment Friendly
EPS panels are environmentally friendly construction materials. One of their primary components, Expanded Polystyrene, has received approval and certification from regulatory authorities and agencies for its low environmental impact. Some of the key environmentally friendly aspects of EPS panels include:
  • 100% recyclability, resulting in zero waste during production
  •  Absence of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), making it ‘Freon Free’
  •  Non-toxic properties, causing no harm to those who produce or work with it
  • Inhibition of the growth of microorganisms and mold
  • Substantially reduced water consumption compared to concrete buildings
  • A smaller carbon footprint due to reduced concrete usage

4. Seismic, Fire, Heat, and Wind Safety
The combination of a lightweight EPS core and robust facing materials results in a structurally stable panel. This stability enhances the load-bearing capacity of the panels, making them suitable for various applications, including roofing and wall construction. Fire and Heat Resistant Wall Panels offer a range of safety advantages, making them a preferred choice for construction in areas prone to various natural disasters. These safety features include:

  • Fire resistance, as the panels are self-extinguishing
  • Earthquake resistance, thanks to their lightweight yet strong structure
  • Heat resistance due to the inner core’s insulating properties
  • Soundproofing, making interiors acoustically protected

5. Cost Benefits
While the initial cost of EPS panels may be slightly higher than traditional construction materials, the overall cost-effectiveness becomes evident in reduced labor costs and shorter construction timelines. Additionally, the energy savings from improved insulation contribute to long-term cost benefits. EPS panels stand out as one of the most cost-effective building solutions due to several reasons:

  • An extremely long lifespan, three times that of conventional buildings, resulting in fewer repairs over time
  • Fast installation, saving approximately 50% of the time compared to conventional construction
  • Minimal raw material wastage
  • Reduced use of concrete, structural steel, and labor, translating to approximately 10% in savings
  • Construction costs that are 10-15% cheaper than conventional methods
  •  An additional 10% in carpet area, delivering effective and substantial savings, particularly in metropolitan areas
6. Protection Against Natural and Man-Made Disasters
EPS panels offer a robust shield against a wide range of natural and man-made disasters, making them a highly reliable choice for construction projects. Their protective features include:
  • Fire resistance
  • Earthquake resistance, due to their lightweight yet durable construction
  • Mould, termite, insect, and rodent resistance
  • Protection against dampness
  • Sound proofing to ensure interior tranquility
  • Hurricane resistance
  • Impact resistance for added durability

7. Quick Installation:
EPS panels are known for their quick and easy installation. The panels arrive at the construction site pre-fabricated, reducing on-site labor and construction time. This makes them an attractive option for prefabricated buildings projects with tight timelines.

Applications of eps panels:

In the dynamic realm of construction, EPS panels have emerged as a versatile solution offering numerous advantages across various domains. These panels are a testament to efficiency, resilience, and architectural flexibility. Let's explore their remarkable features in commercial, multi-storey, industrial, and warehouse construction. The versatility of EPS panels allows them to be employed in various construction applications, including:

1. Residential Construction:
EPS panels are widely used in residential construction for walls, roofs, and floors. Their quick installation and energy efficient properties make them an excellent choice for modern, sustainable homes.

2. Commercial Buildings:
The versatility of EPS panels extends to commercial structures, including offices and retail spaces. The panels can be employed for both exterior and interior applications, offering a seamless combination of insulation and structural stability.

3. Cold Storage Facilities:
Given their exceptional insulation capabilities, EPS panels are commonly used in the construction of cold storage facilities. These panels help maintain consistent temperature levels, crucial for preserving perishable goods.

4. Industrial Applications: In industrial settings, Sandwich EPS panels find applications in the construction of warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and cleanrooms. The panels’ durability and thermal insulation make them suitable for diverse industrial needs.
In conclusion, EPS panels have revolutionized the construction industry, serving as a game-changer with their exceptional insulation properties, lightweight design, durability, and versatility. They are the ideal choice for modern construction projects, whether you are working on a residential home, a commercial structure, or a cold storage facility.
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) panels are construction materials crafted from expanded polystyrene foam. The foam undergoes compression and heating to form rigid, lightweight sheets with excellent heat transfer resistance and structural rigidity.
Sandwich EPS panels, also known as Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), consist of an EPS core sandwiched between outer layers of high-strength material. This three-layered structure enhances durability, insulation, and overall structural stability.
Facing materials include Aluminium, OSB, plywood, Fiber concrete, Magnesium oxide (MgO), or Reinforced Concrete. Material selection impacts fire efficiency, moisture resistance, and overall resilience of the panels.
  • Excellent Insulation: Superior thermal insulation properties.
  • Energy Efficiency: Substantial reduction in CO2 emissions and energy consumption.
  • Environmentally Friendly: 100% recyclable, ‘Freon Free,’ non-toxic, and reduced water consumption.
  • Safety Features: Fire resistance, earthquake resistance, soundproofing, and protection against various disasters.
  • Cost Benefits: Long lifespan, quick installation, minimal raw material wastage, and overall cost-effectiveness.
EPS panels reduce CO2 emissions during construction and the building’s lifetime. They achieve up to 40% less CO2 emissions during construction and 65% less during the building’s use. The exceptional thermal insulation properties lead to up to 50% reduced energy consumption.
  • Residential Construction: Walls, roofs, and floors for modern, sustainable homes.
  • Commercial Buildings: Exterior and interior applications in offices and retail spaces.
  • Cold Storage Facilities: Maintaining consistent temperature levels for perishable goods.
  • Industrial Applications: Construction of warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and cleanrooms due to durability and thermal insulation.

A public sector push in india;

A public sector push in india

Govt. Initiatives driving the use of steel reinforced concrete clad eps Panels

In an era marked by rapid urbanization and the ever-increasing demand for sustainable construction practices, the Government of India is embracing new construction technology to reshape the landscape of building constructions. Thus, off late the construction industry in India has witnessed a significant shift towards embracing newer construction technologies that promote efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. One such innovation gaining prominence is the use of ‘Steel Reinforced Concrete Clad EPS Core Panels’ also known simply as Sandwiched panels, readymade walls or EPS panels. The Government of India has been at the forefront of promoting this innovative approach to civil constructions, particularly in the context of commercial building constructions and industrial building constructions. These initiatives reflect the nation’s commitment to environmentally-friendly building practices, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future.

New construction technology: steel reinforced concrete clad eps panels (srcep)

Sandwiched panels (EPS panels) represent a revolutionary construction technology that has been garnering attention worldwide. Sandwiched panels are prefabricated building components that combine steel reinforced concrete and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as an insulating yet sturdy yet light weight core. This combination results in a structurally sound and energy-efficient construction solution.

EPS insulation boards, known for their exceptional thermal insulation properties, enhance the energy efficiency of buildings. These boards help maintain a comfortable indoor environment by reducing temperature fluctuations, making them ideal for regions with extreme weather conditions. The Indian government recognizes the value of such technologies and actively promotes their use in building constructions.
Government initiatives:
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) The Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), a flagship housing scheme aimed at providing affordable housing to all. Under this initiative, the government encourages the use of Sandwiched panels in housing projects. By doing so, not only are homes built more quickly and cost-effectively, while they are sturdy, longer lasting and, require less maintenance. They are also energy-efficient, reducing the long-term energy consumption of the homeowners.

Make in India Campaign

The ‘Make in India’ campaign, initiated to promote indigenous manufacturing and innovation, has played a crucial role in the adoption of EPS panels. Local manufacturers have embraced this new construction technology, making it more accessible and affordable for all the builders. This has significantly contributed to the growth of the construction industry, especially in the commercial & industrial building sector.

Commercial and Industrial Building Constructions
The use of EPS panels in commercial & industrial building constructions is on the rise. This innovative material not only expedites the construction process but also lead to substantial energy savings and operational cost reductions. Commercial buildings, such as office spaces and shopping complexes, benefit from their excellent insulating and sound proofing properties, providing a comfortable environment for occupants while reducing the carbon footprint.
In industrial building constructions, EPS panels are gaining traction for their ability to create thermally efficient structures. Industries often require a controlled indoor environment, and this technology plays a vital role in meeting those requirements, contributing to cost savings and reducing environmental impact.
Environment-Friendly Building
One of the central aspects of the government’s push for Sandwiched panels is its contribution to environment-friendly building practices. The insulation provided by EPS boards minimizes the need for artificial heating and cooling, reducing energy consumption. This not only translates into lower utility bills for building owners but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, readymade walls are often manufactured using locally available materials, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation and minimising waste generated during the construction process. This approach aligns with India’s commitment to sustainable development and addresses the need for eco-conscious building solutions.
In conclusion, the Government of India’s initiatives promoting the use of panels with expanded polystyrene insulation boards are driving a significant transformation in the construction industry ushering in a new era of construction technology. SRCEPs not only offer strength, durability, and energy efficiency but also contribute to environment-friendly building practices. By advocating for these innovative materials, the government aims to revolutionise building constructions in the country. This approach not only benefits commercial & industrial building constructions but also contributes to the broader goal of environment-friendly building practices, creating a more sustainable future for India. As readymade walls continue to gain prominence, they are poised to reshape the construction industry in India, aligning it with global standards of efficiency and sustainability.

Steel reinforced concrete clad eps core panels

Steel reinforced concrete clad eps core panels

Best protection against natural and man-made disasters

In the times such as this, when the world faces an increasing number of natural and man-made disasters, the need for innovative construction material that provide resilience against both natural and man-made disasters has never been greater. The steel reinforced concrete clad EPS core panels, better known as sandwiched panels, EPS panels or readymade walls have emerged as a remarkable solution that combines structural strength, energy efficiency, and offers an unprecedented level of security and safety against a wide range of threats. In this article we aim to explore how the EPS panels offer an unmatched level of protection in the face of various disasters, ensuring the safety of buildings and their occupants.

Demystifying the steel reinforced concrete clad eps core panels

The sandwiched panels are composite building materials that combine the structural strength of steel and concrete with the insulating properties of EPS. These panels typically consist of three layers:

An inner core of EPS: This layer provides excellent insulation and contributes to the energy efficiency of the structure.
A steel-reinforced concrete layer or the Wythes: This layer protects the inner core and adds exceptional structural strength and resistance to impact and pressure.
An outer cladding layer: Often made of cement paint, etc., this layer protects the inner layers from the effects of weather and enhances the panels’ aesthetic appeal.
Protection against natural disasters:
1. Earthquakes: Regions prone to earthquakes require buildings classified as earthquake resistant building; they can absorb and dissipate seismic energy effectively without succumbing. EPS panels are engineered to do just that. The concrete exterior and steel reinforcement provide excellent resistance to the lateral and vertical forces generated during an earthquake. The EPS core within these panels acts as a shock absorber, helping to minimise damage and improve the chances of building survival. Thus, the earthquake resistant building; constructed with these sandwiched panel can protect occupants and be termed as a Safe building.
2. Hurricanes and Tornadoes: In certain geographies hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes pose significant threats to buildings; the construction needs to be ‘cyclone resistant building’. The robustness of EPS panels enables the structures resist the destructive forces associated storms; making it windproof construction material. The concrete exterior offers protection against flying debris as it is impact resistant, while the steel reinforcement prevents structural damage, and the EPS core adds an extra layer of insulation. This combination makes the buildings more resilient in the face of extreme winds and can be called as a ‘cyclone resistant building’ or a ‘hurricane resistant building’ and be termed as a safe building.

Resilience to man-made disasters:

1. Fire:
Fires are a constant concern in urban environments. It can be devastating, causing extensive damage to buildings and endangering lives thus it is prudent to construct fire resistant buildings. The concrete layer in these Fire-Resistant Wall Panels, preventing the rapid spread of flames. The EPS core provides insulation, reducing the risk of heat. Thus, in the event of a fire, the sandwiched panels maintain their structural integrity for a more extended period, hence more time for occupants to evacuate and the emergency services to respond. This makes such buildings ‘fire resistant buildings’, a feature that can be especially crucial in densely populated areas.

2. Impact, blast & ballistic resistance:
High-traffic areas, critical infrastructure like bridges and tunnels, sensitive areas like government buildings or military installations where security is a concern, EPS panels provide effective impact, blast and ballistic protection. The steel reinforced concrete layer in these panels is exceptionally robust helping it resist damage from vehicular impact, bullet impacts and explosive forces, ensuring the structural integrity of the infrastructure, safeguarding occupants and users. This makes it an impact-resistant building and a safe building

Insulation and Soundproofing

The EPS core provides excellent insulation and soundproofing qualities. This is advantageous in both natural and man-made disaster scenarios. During extreme weather conditions, it helps maintain a stable indoor temperature, making buildings more habitable. Additionally, being soundproof wall panel, it protects occupants from the psychological effects and enhance their overall well-being.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Beyond their impressive protective qualities, these panels also contribute to sustainability and energy efficiency. The EPS core provides excellent insulation, reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling. This not only saves on utility costs but also decreases a building’s carbon footprint.
Concluding this we can say that the sandwiched panels represent a remarkable breakthrough in construction materials. They offer an unprecedented level of protection against both natural and man-made disasters, ensuring the safety and resilience of buildings and their occupants. With their structural strength, resilience to earthquakes and high winds, fire resistance, energy efficiency, and insulation properties, these panels are a vital component in creating safer, more disaster-resistant structures. Whether it’s earthquakes, fires, floods, terrorist attacks, or vehicular collisions, these panels serve as guardians, ensuring the safety and resilience of structures. As we continue to face an uncertain future, embracing innovative building materials like SRCE Panels becomes essential to mitigate risks and protect communities while safeguarding infrastructures.

Steel reinforced concrete clad EPS core panels

Steel reinforced concrete clad EPS core panels

Paving the way for sustainable construction

At times when environmental consciousness is at its peak, the construction industry is undergoing a paradigm shift towards more eco-friendly and sustainable practices. Sustainable construction has almost become an imperative, as we grapple with environmental challenges and seek greener alternatives in every facet of our lives.

Use of traditional building materials, such as brick and mortar, have dominated the construction industry. However, their significant environmental impact, resource depletion, and high energy consumption have necessitated a shift towards more eco-friendly alternatives. One of the most promising innovations is the use of ‘Steel Reinforced Concrete Clad EPS Core Panels’, generally referred to as EPS panels, Sandwiched panels or simply Readymade walls. These panels are poised to redefine the way we construct buildings, offering a greener, faster, and more cost-effective alternative to traditional materials. Let us explore how they are revolutionising sustainable construction.

What is sustainable construction?
Sustainable construction means building in a way that meets our needs today without harming the environment or making it hard for future generations to meet their needs. It involves using materials wisely, saving energy, and protecting nature while making homes and buildings comfortable and safe for people.”
The rise of a champion of sustainability
EPS panels are gaining immense popularity in the construction industry due to their eco-friendly attributes. These panels have a core made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) sandwiched between layers of steel-reinforced concrete and that is why they are called as the Sandwiched panels. EPS, a lightweight and highly insulating material, serves as an excellent thermal barrier, making buildings more energy-efficient. This inherent thermal efficiency significantly reduces the energy consumption required for heating and cooling, making it a top choice for sustainability in construction.

These Readymade walls are also a game-changer in terms of reducing construction waste. Traditional construction methods generate substantial amounts of debris and waste, whereas these panels, are readymade walls that can be manufactured to precise specifications, off-site. This off-site production minimises on-site construction waste, contributing to a cleaner and eco-friendly process. These panels are designed to fit seamlessly together, further reducing the need for additional material and thereby cutting down on wastage.

Energy efficiency & sustainability
When it comes to sustainable construction, energy efficiency is a key consideration. These sandwiched panels excel in this, thanks to their remarkable insulation properties. Buildings constructed with them have superior thermal performance, maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures with minimal energy consumption. This translates into reduced carbon emissions and lower energy bills for building owners, aligning perfectly with the goals of sustainability in construction.
Sustainable construction is not limited to energy efficiency; it also encompasses the responsible use of resources. These EPS panels are manufactured using materials that are not only abundant but also easily recyclable. The steel-reinforced concrete and EPS core can be recycled at the end of a building’s life cycle, reducing the demand for new raw materials and minimizing the environmental footprint.
Speed & efficiency in sustainability
In the purview of sustainable construction, time is of paramount importance. The quicker a building can be constructed, the fewer the resources it consumes, the lower is its environmental impact. These readymade walls, with their pre-fab nature, offer an inherent advantage. They can be manufactured off-site and transported to the construction site, where they can be quickly assembled. This reduces construction time, labour cost, and the associated environmental disturbances.

Furthermore, the sandwiched panels provide the flexibility in incorporating other sustainable features such as renewable energy systems and rainwater harvesting more efficiently. These panels can be designed with built-in conduits and cavities, making it easier to integrate eco-friendly technologies into the building’s infrastructure.

And that’s not all, the constructed building being monolithic, exhibit unmatched resilience against natural disasters like gale force winds, earthquakes, extreme temperatures. It is fire resistant, noise resistant, moisture resistant, resistant to all molds and fungal growths while having a life span which is almost thrice that of a conventionally built building; withstanding ravages of time better and requires very little maintenance too.
We can conclude by saying that, in the pursuit of sustainable construction practices, these EPS panel seem to have carved a niche for themselves. As we look towards the future, it’s evident that these EPS panel are paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to building. Their versatility and numerous benefits, ensure that they are poised to play a pivotal role in the building industry. As the world increasingly focuses on sustainable living and construction practices, these readymade walls stand as a testament to innovation and progress in the field of eco-friendly building materials.
EPS panels, or Sandwiched panels, have a core of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) sandwiched between layers of steel-reinforced concrete. Their lightweight and highly insulating nature makes them a sustainable choice, offering energy efficiency and reduced construction waste.
EPS panels excel in energy efficiency due to their remarkable insulation properties. Buildings constructed with these panels maintain comfortable indoor temperatures with minimal energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions and lowering energy bills.
EPS panels are pre-fabricated off-site, minimizing on-site construction waste. Their precise manufacturing reduces debris, making them an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials.
The materials used in EPS panels, such as steel-reinforced concrete and EPS core, are not only abundant but also easily recyclable. This reduces the demand for new raw materials, minimizing the environmental footprint and aligning with sustainable construction practices.
EPS panels, being pre-fabricated, allow for quick on-site assembly, reducing construction time, labor costs, and environmental disturbances. Their flexibility also enables the incorporation of other sustainable features efficiently.
Constructed buildings with EPS panels exhibit resilience against natural disasters, including wind, earthquakes, extreme temperatures. They are fire-resistant, noise-resistant, moisture-resistant, and have a lifespan almost three times that of conventionally built structures, requiring minimal maintenance.

Sustainable construction redefined:

Sustainable construction redefined:

‘Hikae Equs’ panels – advanced, cost-effective and a green building solution

Innovation in building materials and advanced construction techniques is essential to meet the ever-growing demands for sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective building solutions. One such innovation that has been gaining momentum in recent years is the use of Steel Reinforced Concrete Clad EPS core panels (Sandwiched panels). These readymade walls represent a groundbreaking approach to construction, offering numerous advantages that are transforming the way we build our structures. In this article, we will explore the benefits and applications of Sandwiched Panels including its role in energy efficiency, soundproofing, and heat and fire resistance, as well as its suitability for cyclone and hurricane-prone regions.

What is Sustainable Construction?

Sustainable construction is an approach that seeks to minimize the environmental impact of the construction process and the resulting structure. It involves the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient design, and a commitment to reducing waste and pollution throughout the building’s life cycle. The goal is to create structures that promote a harmonious coexistence between the built environment and the natural world. Sustainable construction is also known as eco-friendly construction or green construction.

What is green building?

Green building primarily focuses on reducing the environmental impact of a building’s construction and operation. It emphasizes using eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient technologies, and practices that minimize resource consumption and waste generation. Green building often involves strategies like installing solar panels, using recycled materials, and implementing water-saving fixtures.

What is sustainable building?

Sustainable building involves the use of practices and materials that prioritize environmental responsibility throughout a building’s entire life cycle. This approach aims to minimize the impact on the environment by focusing on energy efficiency, resource conservation, and reduced waste. Sustainable building practices contribute to creating structures that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and promote a healthier living environment. Below is a simple table highlighting the key differences between sustainable building and normal building practices

AspectSustainable BuildingNormal Building
Design PhilosophyFocus on environmental responsibility and resource efficiency.Primarily driven by traditional design and construction methods.
Energy EfficiencyPrioritizes energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and energy-saving technologies.May not emphasize energy-efficient features, relying on conventional systems.
MaterialsUtilizes eco-friendly, recycled, or locally sourced materials to reduce environmental impact.May use conventional materials without considering environmental sustainability.
Water UsageIncorporates water-efficient fixtures and designs for water conservation.Water usage may not be a primary consideration, leading to potential wastage.
Waste ManagementEmphasizes waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal of construction waste.May generate significant construction waste without a focused waste management strategy.
Indoor Air QualityPrioritizes ventilation, non-toxic materials, and indoor air quality for occupant health.May overlook indoor air quality, leading to potential health concerns.
Cost ImplicationsInitial costs may be slightly higher, but long-term operational savings are often realized.Initial costs may be lower, but operational costs may be higher due to inefficiencies.
Long-Term BenefitsOffers long-term environmental and economic benefits, such as reduced utility bills and improved resale value.May have lower initial costs, but long-term benefits may be limited.
CertificationsMay pursue certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).May not prioritize or pursue specific green building certifications.

What are ‘steel reinforced concrete EPS core’ panels

Sandwiched Panels are composite building materials that consist of an insulating EPS core sandwiched between two layers of reinforced concrete. This combination capitalises on the strengths of both EPS and concrete, resulting in an EPS panel that is not only lightweight but also highly efficient and sustainable. The result is a composite readymade walls panel that offers a wide range of benefits across various construction applications.

Are EPS panels considered sustainable building materials?

Yes, EPS panels can be considered sustainable building materials when used appropriately. EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) panels offer several sustainability benefits, including energy efficiency, lightweight construction, and recyclability. These panels provide excellent thermal insulation, helping reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings. Additionally, their lightweight nature contributes to lower transportation emissions and reduced construction waste. EPS panels are also recyclable, allowing for the material to be reused or repurposed at the end of a building’s life cycle, further enhancing their sustainability credentials. When integrated into a holistic approach to sustainable construction, EPS panels can contribute to the creation of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings.

Energy Efficiency and Environmental friendliness

One of the prime features of Sandwiched Panels is its exceptional energy efficiency. The EPS core acts as an effective thermal insulator, helping maintain comfortable indoor temperature year-round. This cuts the need for excessive heating or cooling, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills for a lifetime. This feature also makes the buildings more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable, while it helps maintain the temperature inside, creating a more stable and comfortable living environment.

And that’s not all, EPS is recyclable and has a low environmental impact, compared to traditional construction materials. It is produced with minimal waste and can be reused in various applications, contributing to the reduction of construction-related carbon emissions. It scores a brownie by utilising ~ 70% lesser water as compared to concrete buildings; thus, helps conserve the water, one of the most valuable resources. No doubt it gets classified as a ‘green construction technology’ by most of the government bodies of the world.

Rapid Construction
The speed at which buildings can be erected using these panels is remarkable. The readymade walls can be manufactured off-site, allowing for a streamlined construction process, significantly reducing on-site labour and time. Thus, construction projects can be completed significantly faster, saving both time and money.
Structural Integrity
Reinforced concrete is known for its strength and durability, making it an ideal material for the exterior layers of the panels. Thus, despite being lightweight EPS panels offer excellent structural integrity. These readymade walls are suitable for a wide range of applications, from residential to commercial and industrial buildings. They are particularly well-suited for seismic-prone areas, as their flexible yet durable nature helps absorb the seismic forces.

Benefits of Sustainable Construction

Cost-Effective Construction
The cost-effectiveness is a significant driver behind their adoption by the construction industry. Reduced labour requirements, faster construction timelines, and energy savings, all contribute towards making a cost-effective building. Additionally, the extra-long lifespan and minimalistic maintenance for buildings constructed with these panels further enhance their cost-effectiveness.
Flexibility in Design
Architects and designers appreciate the flexibility it offers in design. These panels can be customised as retaining walls, roof panels, cladding walls, stair panels, floor panels, etc. to meet various aesthetic and functional requirements. They can be used for both exterior and interior applications, and their adaptability makes them suitable for a wide range of architectural styles.
Fire Resistance
Fire safety is often a top priority in construction, and EPS panel meet this requirement bang on. The concrete layers offer excellent fire resistance whereas EPS core is itself heat resistant, ensuring the safety of occupants in case of a fire outbreak This characteristic is especially crucial for multi-story buildings and high-density urban areas.
The readymade walls are ushering in a new era of construction, redefining how buildings are designed and constructed. Their energy efficiency, rapid construction, durability, and sustainability make them a compelling choice for a wide range of applications. While they may pose certain challenges, the benefits they offer are transforming the construction industry and paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective future in building construction. As technology continues to advance and the demand for eco-friendly construction materials grows, these innovative panels are poised to play an even more significant role in the construction landscape.
Sustainable construction is a key component of green building practices, which aim to create environmentally responsible, resource-efficient, and healthy structures. As our planet faces increasing environmental challenges, the construction industry plays a vital role in mitigating its impact. By adopting sustainable practices, builders contribute to a more sustainable future, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change and promote ecological balance.
Sustainable construction is more than a trend; it’s a commitment to a better, more responsible future. As the construction industry evolves, embracing eco-friendly practices becomes imperative. By understanding the concept, recognizing its benefits, exploring examples, and acknowledging its importance in green construction, we pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient built environment.
Sustainable construction is an approach that seeks to minimize the environmental impact of the construction process and the resulting structure. It involves the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient design, and a commitment to reducing waste and pollution throughout the building’s life cycle.
Sustainable construction is essential to mitigate the environmental impact of building activities, promote resource efficiency, and create structures that contribute to a harmonious coexistence between the built environment and the natural world. It aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and supports a more sustainable future.
The key principles of sustainable construction include the use of eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, and a commitment to creating structures that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient.
Sustainable construction minimizes carbon emissions by utilizing energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and environmentally friendly materials, thereby reducing the overall environmental impact.
Sustainable construction principles can be applied to both new builds and existing structures. Retrofitting existing buildings with energy-efficient systems and eco-friendly materials is a common practice in sustainable construction.
While initial costs for sustainable construction may be slightly higher, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment. Reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, and minimal maintenance contribute to the overall cost-effectiveness of sustainable construction.
Sustainable construction principles are adaptable and can be applied to projects of all scales, including smaller residential builds. Eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient systems, and responsible construction practices are beneficial in any context.

Exploring the resilience of structural steel and concrete clad expanded polystyrene panels

Exploring the resilience of structural steel and concrete clad expanded polystyrene panels

In the realm of construction and architecture, technological advancements are constantly reshaping the way we design and build structures. One such groundbreaking technology that has gained prominence is the use of ‘Hikae Equs Panels’ (Structural Steel and Concrete Clad Expanded Polystyrene panels). This innovative construction method combines the strength of steel, the durability of concrete, and the insulating properties of EPS, resulting in structures that are not only resilient but also highly energy-efficient. As the panels are finished at the factory prior to being assembled at site and finishing, they are also referred as readymade walls. Before delving into the advantages of this technology, it is essential to understand its components.

The Components of Hikae Equs Panels:

Structural Steel: Structural steel has long been a cornerstone of the construction industry. Known for its high strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and versatility, it has been used in a wide range of Safe Building projects, from skyscrapers to bridges. However, the integration of structural steel with EPS panels takes its utility to a whole new level.

The shell of Concrete Cladding: Concrete is renowned for its durability and resistance to environmental factors. Concrete cladding is used in combination with structural steel to encase the EPS core. This exterior layer not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the building but also offers several functional benefits. In this application, it serves as a protective and aesthetic cladding for the building’s exterior making it a fire-resistant building.
The Hikae Equs Core of Expanded Polystyrene: This is the hidden hero within the panels. Expanded Polystyrene as a material is lightweight, highly resistant to heat and sound transfer, resists moisture and fire. These properties make it an ideal core material for these panels referred as readymade walls.

Benefits of Hikae Equs Panels:

Exceptional Structural Resilience: : The integration of structural steel ensures that the safe building constructed with these panels are exceptionally strong and resilient. They are capable of withstanding a wide range of structural stresses, including high winds, earthquakes, and heavy loads making them a hurricane resistant building, a cyclone resistant building, an earthquake resistant building, an impact-resistant building.
Energy Efficiency: The core in these panels acts as an excellent insulator. It helps maintain stable indoor temperatures by minimizing heat transfer, thus reducing the need for heating and cooling. This translates into lower energy consumption, reduced utility bills, and a smaller carbon footprint.

Quick and Cost-Effective Construction: The assembly of Hikae Equs Panels is a streamlined and efficient process. Since these readymade walls are prefabricated off-site, construction time is significantly reduced. This not only saves time but also reduces labour costs, making it a cost-effective solution.

Design Flexibility: These readymade walls offer architects and designers considerable flexibility in creating aesthetically pleasing and functional buildings. The concrete cladding can be customized in various finishes and colours, providing a wide range of design possibilities.
Sustainability: The use of EPS in the panels aligns with sustainable building practices. Expanded polystyrene is recyclable and has a low environmental impact. Additionally, the energy efficiency of buildings constructed with these sustainable construction practices. Expanded polystyrene is recyclable and has a low environmental impact. Additionally, the energy efficiency of buildings constructed with these readymade walls reduces overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Noise Reduction: The insulating properties of expanded polystyrene extend beyond thermal insulation. They also contribute to noise reduction, creating quieter and more comfortable indoor environments.

Applications of Hikae Equs Panels:

Residential Construction: These panels are increasingly being used in residential buildings, where their energy efficiency and quick construction process are highly advantageous.
Commercial and Industrial Structures: The durability and strength of these panels make them suitable for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications, including warehouses, factories, and retail spaces.
Institutional Buildings: Educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and government buildings benefit from the resilience and energy efficiency of these panels.
Green Building Projects: Projects aiming for green building certifications, such as LEED, often incorporate these panels due to their sustainability and energy-saving attributes.
These panels represent a significant leap forward in modern construction technology. Embracing this innovative technology not only ensures the creation of resilient structures but also contributes to a more sustainable and energy-efficient built environment for generations to come.

Walls that reduce energy consumption

Walls that reduce energy consumption

In the ever-evolving world of construction and architecture, energy efficiency has become a crucial aspect of building design and construction. As we grapple with the effects of climate change and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, innovative solutions are emerging to make our structures more environmentally friendly. One such new building technology innovation is the ‘Structural Steel Insulated Panel’, something that not only enhances the structural integrity of buildings but also plays a pivotal role in reducing energy consumption. In this article, we will explore the importance of thermal insulation in this building material and how it plays a pivotal role in saving energy.

An overview of prefab walls of structured steel panels:

Structural Steel Insulated Panels, also known as sandwich panels or readymade walls, are a revolutionary building material. The panel is built on galvanized mesh constructed of TMT steel bars with an expanded polystyrene panel in between. It gets coated with concrete which is machine shot on it. It resembles a sandwich of structural steel and insulation between 2 concrete layers. This combination offers several benefits, including enhanced strength, long durability, and most importantly, outstanding thermal insulation properties.

Enhanced Thermal Resistance
Thermal insulation is the primary mechanism by which this building material saves energy. The core material within these Heat-Resistant Wall Panels provides exceptional thermal resistance, creating a barrier that minimizes heat transfer. This means that during hot summers, the panels keep the indoor space cooler, and in cold climates, they help maintain a warm interior. As a result, energy required for heating or cooling is significantly reduced, leading to significant savings.
Reduced Dependency on HVAC Systems
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are major energy guzzlers in buildings. By using this building material with inbuilt thermal insulation, the demand on HVAC systems is significantly reduced, as it creates a more stable and comfortable indoor environment, reducing the need for frequent temperature adjustments and extended HVAC operation. Consequently, the building becomes a temperature-controlled building lowering energy bills and a reducing its carbon footprint.
Compliance with Energy Codes and Standards
Governments and regulatory bodies around the world are nowadays enforcing strict energy codes and standards for buildings. The utilization of this building material with integrated thermal insulation, not only helps builders meet these requirements, but often surpasses them. This not only saves on energy consumption but also ensures that the environment-friendly buildings are sustainable, thus contributing to a greener future.
Long-Term Financial Benefits
Although the idea of implementing such Advanced Construction Technique may initially seem to be costly but, as the use of traditional construction materials like concrete, steel is considerably reduced, the overall financial benefits are substantial making it a cost-effective building. Further to this the recurring costs of energy bills, maintenance expenses are reduced significantly. All this when viewed in totality, given the extended building lifespan, these panels come out as a cost-effective choice in the context of building ownership.
Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
In a world where energy conservation and sustainability are paramount, this Advanced Construction Technique represents a significant leap forward in modern construction. By enhancing thermal resistance, reducing HVAC energy consumption, ensuring compliance with energy standards, and delivering long-term financial savings, this economic building technology offers a multifaceted solution to the energy efficiency challenge.
The advantages of this Advanced Construction Technique extend beyond monetary savings. They contribute to a greener future by curbing greenhouse gas emissions linked to excessive energy consumption. As architects, builders, and homeowners embrace this this Advanced Construction Technology, we move closer to creating an environment that is both comfortable and environmentally responsible. As we continue to address the challenges of climate change, embracing solutions like these panels becomes imperative for a more sustainable and energy-efficient world.

Tenements to high-rise to commercial buildings

Tenements to high-rise to commercial buildings

Understanding the wide applications of Hikae Equs Panels

The construction industry has been constantly evolving, driven by the need for more sustainable and efficient building methods. There have been significant advancements over the years where innovations have continuously reshaped the way we build. Wall panels are very slowly pushing away the brick-and-mortar walls into obscurity due to speed of construction and other properties embedded in them. Among the innovative materials that have gained prominence in recent years, ‘Hikae Equs’ sandwiched panels have emerged as a versatile and eco-friendly solution. From simple tenements to towering high-rise buildings to spectacular commercial edifices, these EPS panels are transforming the way we build, offering numerous benefits that make them the preferred choice in contemporary construction.

At the very core of the ‘Hikae Equs’ sandwiched panels is the ‘Hikae Equs’ insulating core made of EPS panels. Each individual panel, is enclosed by a galvanized mesh made of TMT steel rods interconnected by trusses of TMT rods. These eps panels are produced industrially and then are assembled at site. They get coated with two layers of concrete directly at site. This gives the readymade walls their remarkable strength. They are lightweight, durable, and exhibit excellent thermal insulation capabilities, making them an ideal choice for an equatorial country like India. These readymade walls come in various thicknesses and can be easily cut and shaped to fit specific project requirements. This adaptability has made them invaluable in a wide range of construction applications.

One of the most notable uses of ‘Hikae Equs’ sandwiched panels is in the construction of affordable housing. In densely populated urban areas, where space is limited and housing costs are high, these panels provide a cost-effective solution. These EPS panels are easy to transport and install, reducing labour costs significantly. Their insulating properties also help in energy efficiency, making them a sustainable choice for affordable housing projects; these panels offer a cost-effective solution for insulating walls, keeping the internal temperatures at least 8 degrees higher or lower.
As cities continue to grow vertically, multi-storey constructions have become a norm. ‘Hikae Equs’ sandwiched panels play a vital role in making high-rise multi-storey constructions more environment friendly. Thermal insulation property of this EPS panels helps reduce the energy consumption required for heating and cooling, particularly important in skyscrapers where temperature regulation can be a significant challenge. Further, the lightweight nature of the panels contributes to overall structural efficiency by reducing the load on the building’s foundation and support systems. This not only decreases construction costs but also lowers the building’s environmental impact, as less material is required.
Beyond residential buildings, this building material has also made its mark in commercial construction. In high-traffic commercial areas like shopping malls, where maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is crucial for attracting customers, this building material contributes significantly to HVAC efficiency. By controlling heat transfer, these readymade walls help maintain consistent temperatures, resulting in energy savings and improved comfort for shoppers and employees alike. The ease of installation and lightweight nature of the readymade walls make them particularly appealing in projects where time and budget are crucial.
Time is often a critical factor in construction projects. ‘Hikae Equs’ sandwiched panels are known for their rapid installation process. The pre-fabricated readymade walls can easily be transported to the construction site and assembled quickly, reducing construction timelines. The panels offer architects and designers a high degree of versatility. They can be customized to meet specific design requirements, allowing for innovative and aesthetically pleasing building designs. The flexibility of these panels extends to interior spaces as well, making them a versatile choice for both structural and interior applications.
From tenements to high-rise buildings, the wide-ranging applications of these readymade walls in construction have transformed the way we build. These panels have proven their worth in affordable housing projects, energy-efficient buildings, disaster-resilient construction, and efficient construction processes. Their design versatility further enhances their appeal, making them a favourite among architects and designers.
As sustainable construction continues to evolve, these panels stand as a testament to the innovative solutions that drive progress in the field. As the construction industry continues to embrace eco-friendly practices and seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges of sustainable construction, the panels are likely to play an even more significant role in shaping the buildings of the future.

Buildings for the future

Buildings for the future

Fascinating features of steel reinforced concrete clad insulated panels

Humans have come a long way in building shelters; from building mud and stone huts for living, we have slowly but steadily graduated to using completely synthetic building material to suit our requirements. In this article, we will explore one such modern age building material called ‘wall panels’ as they are used to create walls that make the building. The one that we will be discussing here is often referred to as the ‘sandwiched panels’ (SP) as they are actually built like a sandwich. These panels have gained significant popularity in the construction industry due to their exceptional performance, energy efficiency, and versatility. Even the ‘sandwiched panels’ come in a variety of compositions, but a very successful one that has stood the test of time is the one that is called as the ‘EPS panels’ for short. These panels combine the strength of structural steel and concrete with insulation of EPS panel inside, creating a multifunctional building material that offers numerous advantages.

The panel is built on galvanized mesh constructed of TMT steel bars with an ‘EPS panel’ in between. It gets coated with concrete which is machine shot on it. As it resembles like a sandwich of structural steel and insulation between 2 concrete layers, hence is also referred to as a ‘Sandwich panel’ These panels are produced industrially and then are assembled at site, hence are often called readymade walls. Let us explore some of the remarkable features of steel reinforced concrete clad insulated panels.
Strength and Durability: The structural steel in the EPS panels provides unparalleled strength and durability. The steel frame ensures the building’s stability and can withstand various external forces, such as wind, earthquakes, and heavy loads. This feature contributes to the longevity of structures and reduces maintenance requirements over time.
Energy Efficiency: One of the standout features of sandwiched panels is their outstanding energy efficiency. These panels integrate insulation within the structural steel frame, minimizing thermal bridging and heat transfer. As a result, buildings constructed using technology exhibit improved energy performance, leading to reduced heating and cooling costs.
Improved Indoor Comfort: The insulation in sandwiched panels enhances indoor comfort by regulating temperature and reducing sound transmission. This is particularly advantageous in regions with extreme climates or areas where noise pollution is a concern. The superior insulation properties help create a more pleasant living or working environment.
Fire Resistance: Concrete clad structural steel has excellent fire-resistant properties, and when combined with the insulation, it creates a material with enhanced fire resistance. This feature can contribute to the safety of occupants and the overall integrity of the structure in the event of a fire.
Rapid Construction: These panels are known for their rapid construction capabilities. Since these panels are prefabricated off-site, they can be quickly assembled on-site, reducing construction timelines significantly. This speed not only saves costs but also allows projects to be completed faster, which can be a crucial factor in commercial and residential construction.
Cost Savings: While the initial cost of these panels might be slightly higher compared to traditional construction materials, the long-term savings in energy costs, reduced maintenance, and faster construction timelines can offset the initial investment. This makes them a cost-effective solution in the broader context of a building’s lifecycle.
Sustainable Construction: As the construction industry places more emphasis on sustainable practices, EPS panels stand out as a greener alternative. Their energy efficiency, reduced waste generation, and potential for reuse make them a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious projects.

Reduced Material Waste: As these readymade walls are prefabricated with precision, resulting in minimal waste, both during manufacturing and on-site assembly. The eco-friendly characteristic aligns with sustainable construction practices and reduces the environmental impact of building projects.

Versatility in Design: Architects and designers get increased freedom in creating unique and innovative structures. The cladding walls can be easily customized to fit various architectural styles and design requirements.
Retrofitting and Renovation: These cladding walls are not limited to new construction only; they can also be used for retrofitting and renovating existing structures. This adaptability makes them a viable option for improving the energy efficiency and overall performance of older buildings.
With remarkable features ranging from energy efficiency and rapid construction to strength, durability, and sustainability, these readymade walls have revolutionized the way buildings are designed and constructed. As the construction industry continues to evolve, these panels are likely to play an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of architecture and sustainable building practices.